Safety Everywhere (1960s)

This film emphasizes the importance of safety in the workplace and highlights various aspects of accident prevention. It highlights that safety is the responsibility of each employee and reflects the efficiency of supervisors. The film emphasizes the need for proper training, the use of protective equipment, and the adoption of safe practices in handling materials and equipment. It addresses common causes of injuries such as lifting, falls, poor housekeeping, and improper use of tools. The film advocates for good housekeeping, marking danger areas, and implementing structural changes to eliminate hazards. It also showcases the development of new safety techniques in response to modern operations and situations. Overall, the film emphasizes the importance of thinking and acting safely to protect oneself and others, conserve resources, and maintain a productive work environment.

We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.

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